University of Virginia CS 1501 Lectures
弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia) Haskell课程
Introduction to Haskell
University of Virginia CS 1501 Lectures Spring 2013
Haskell 开发相关的几个 docker 镜像
提供一个完整的 Haskell 开发编译环境
- fpco/stack-build (the default) - GHC (patched), tools (stack, cabal-install, happy, alex, etc.), and system developer libraries required to build all Stackage packages.
- fpco/stack-ghcjs-build - Like stack-build, but adds GHCJS.
- fpco/stack-full - Includes all Stackage packages pre-installed in GHC’s global package database. These images are over 10 GB!
- fpco/stack-ghcjs-full - Like stack-full, but adds GHCJS.
- fpco/stack-run - Runtime environment for binaries built with Stackage. Includes system shared libraries required by all Stackage packages. Does not necessarily include all data required for every use (e.g. has texlive-binaries for HaTeX, but does not include LaTeX fonts), as that would be prohibitively large. Based on phusion/baseimage.
FP Complete also builds custom variants of these images for their clients.